

Just a few steps from my country home in Ohio, you’ll find me in my studio, a haven where I am free to create.


Where the magic happens

Fully stocked with my favorite art supplies, the studio is lined with shelves with a library of past publications, source materials and mementos. From my brightly lit drawing table (I use two black armed drafting lamps), all I need to do is swivel 180 degrees to pull fresh supplies from built in cupboards, whether that be a basket of my favorite paint tubes (paint brand here) or packs of new brushes which must be refreshed every project or two. I love (paintbrush brands here). My work is done 100% by hand and having the right tools at-the-ready sets me at ease.


A few of my favorite things

I’ve had many years to test materials.  I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials.  I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials.  I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials.  I prefer acrylics bu…

I’ve had many years to test materials. I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials. I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials. I prefer acrylics but …I’ve had many years to test materials. I prefer acrylics but …


The importance of archiving

This antique flat file is an invaluable tool to keep artwork meticulously categorized and safe. I recommend having your work digitized of course, but a flat file not only allows my work to lay flat during storage, it gives my archives a place to live.


All creatures great and small

My connection with animals is integral to my illustration and a prevalent theme in my work.  My wife and I take great joy in living with the many animals around us - in the house, in the yard and in surrounding forests, fields and farms.  Above…

My connection with animals is integral to my illustration and a prevalent theme in my work. My wife and I take great joy in living with the many animals around us - in the house, in the yard and in surrounding forests, fields and farms. Above: Our cat, [name], taking a break from hunting in the garden. Right: Our silly Bichons, [name] and [name].


Above: Me, at the entrance to my studio surrounded by wisteria, flowers, berries and on the other side, an indoor/outdoor chicken coup!  Right: Another of our kitties, [name].

Above: Me, at the entrance to my studio surrounded by wisteria, flowers, berries and on the other side, an indoor/outdoor chicken coup! Right: Another of our kitties, [name].

Reggie the rooster’s ladies.  (They are in their gawky phase in this photo.)  I predict farm fresh eggs in our future!

Reggie the rooster’s ladies. (They are in their gawky phase in this photo.) I predict farm fresh eggs in our future!

My rooster, Reggie.  It’s smart to make friends with the rooster.

My rooster, Reggie. It’s smart to make friends with the rooster.

“Raising a family in the country was important to my wife and me. I draw great inspiration from my surroundings - the animals and nature.”